
Bound manuscript volume entitled: "Diary of a Week in North Wales By Henry Sharrock"

Three letters from Robert Stephenson to Captain Constantine Moorsom

Account of the construction of the Morley Tunnel, Leeds Dewsbury & Manchester Railway

Scrap book relating to Cornish tin mines

Volume entitled: "Arrete du Ministre des Travaux Publics portant reglement pour l'Ecole Nationale des Mines, Paris"

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

PHD: 'Specimens of the work of spiral and oval drawing machine'

Volumes entitled: "The natural history of British shells including figures and descriptions of all the species hitherto discover'd in Great Britain systematically arranged ('in the Linnean manner')"

Letters patent granted to Thomas Clarke and John Varley for 'An improvement on the atmospheric system of propulsion which is also applicable to other motive purposes'

Manuscript entitled: "Catalogue of the Apparatus of Philosophical Instruments, in the Collection of Her Late Majesty Queen Charlotte, at the Observatory at Richmond in Surrey"

Temporary staging

Pages 176 and 177 of John Graham's report book 1838-1845

Pages 68 and 69 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1

Pages 64 and 65 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1

Pages 62 and 63 of the Robert Stephenson & Co Ltd minute book no.1

Printed pamphlet entitled 'A Short and Sure guide to Railway Speculation. A Few Plain Rules how to Speculate With Safety and Profit, in Railway Shares. By a Successful Operator.' Dedicated to George Hudson by ‘A Director’. 6th ed, with additions

Letter from Hardwick to Euston Station Enlargement Committee, regarding the completion of buildings with accompanying report from a member of his staff

Letter from Hardwick to unknown regarding screening of counter in Great Hall Euston due to cold drafts experienced by staff

Letter from Hardwick to Mr Lund (?) regarding the ‘ornament in the resistance of the new building at Euston Station’

Letter from Robert Stephenson to Captain Constantine Moorsom

Letter from Robert Stephenson to Captain Constantine Moorsom

Motions of the printing apparatus

Motions of the stereotype frames

Circular motions of the calculating axes

Motions of the stereotype frames

Part of the Planing machine.

Untitled pencil layout, includes mill racks.

Number of parts and working points.

Untitled. [Drawings of cams]

Drawing of Curzon Street Station, Birmingham (London & Birmingham Railway), showing general ground of the station showing its location in the surrounding area, annotations regarding 'Estimates for ... alterations and additions...', signed by Robert B. Dochray

Envelope from an unknown sender in Darlington to Jane Young (nee Hackworth), Soho Cottage, Shildon

Cross-written letter from Miss Smith to Jane Young (nee Hackworth), Vilvorde, Belgium

Notation of units

Notation of units

Locking motions for carriage column.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28. Sheet 15 of 23.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28 for multiplication. Sheet 14 of 23.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28 for algebraic addition of i k figures. First part of cycles ordered by verticals n and 'n of centre barrel. Sheet 20 of 23.

Algebraic addition of i k figures. Cycle ordered by vertical "a of centre barrel. Sheet 21 of 23.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28 algebraic addition of k figures. Sheet 19 of 23.

Algebraic addition of i k figures (General Plan 28). Cycle ordered by vertical ""s of centre barrel. Sheet 23 of 23.

Vertical motions of the wheels and axes of the right, middle and left groups of Plan 28 for multiplication as performed in working Notation 268. Sheet 1 of 4.

Differences as performed by General Plans 28 and 28a. Sheet 2 of 2.

Untitled. [Trains and vertical motions of the wheels and axes of the right, middle and left groups of Plan 28a for division as performed in working Notation 290]. Sheet 3 of 4.

Untitled. [Trains and vertical motions of the wheels and axes of the right, middle and left groups of Plan 28a for division as performed in working Notation 290]. Sheet 2 of 4.

Duties of the calculating mechanism of Plan 28a. Centre group. Sheet 4 of 11.

Differences as performed by General Plans 28 and 28. Sheet 1 of 2.

Duties of the calculating mechanism of left, centre and right groups of Plan 28a. Right group. Sheet 2 of 11.

Duties of the calculating mechanism of left, centre and right groups of Plan 28a. Right group. Sheet 1 of 11.

Stepping up or down or multiplying or dividing by any power of ten. Plans 28 and 28a. Sheet 1 of 2.